Glad to see everyone back to school and I hope you all had a fun and relaxing holiday. This term we will be talking about how we express ourselves. The central idea being art, and how art inspires us. We started off this week with the question "What is art?" and "What kinds of art are there?". The goal of this term is to have the students express themselves in different ways. If they struggle with expressing themselves by speaking, perhaps they will be able to express themselves in other ways.
Our first art project was to take card paper and make shapes out of it in order to make a picture of something using shapes. You can see the final product on the wall outside the classroom.
A few updates, we are well on our way in planning and practicing for YEP.
This week is Etta's birthday! Happy Birthday Etta!
We are planning our last field trip for the year and will have updates for you in the next week or so.
Stay tuned.
- James Barbosa