Tuesday 24 September 2019

September, a month to remember

September was a busy month, so I apologize for the lack of updates to the blog. This post will culminate everything we have done in the month of September.

We did a lot of planning and preparation for two events. One being the International Children's Festival that happened last Friday, and the other being our Sports Day that is fast approaching. For ICF we were partnered with Ms. Stacy`s third grade class and together we made an alpaca paper craft for our Peruvian themed room. 

I hope you all enjoyed the ICF and the work we put into our. Here is the photo of our group at the ICF 

In the gym we have been practicing a lot of group based activities to strengthen our team work. We did a lot of parachute exercises that the students enjoyed a lot. Sometimes we even partnered with the PreK B class in order to all practice together.

In the classroom we have been working on our sports day dance, the students are practicing every day in order to prepare for sports day. Here is a sneak peak at them practicing in the classroom.

A few updates:

We will be going on our term 2 trip to the natural history museum on October 4th. 

The 26th of September will be our monthly birthday party for Asim and Julia!

Stay tuned for more.

- James Barbosa

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Week 19, short week

Hey everyone,

As you already know last week was a short week for the school due to two PD days at the beginning of the week. Still, it didn't stop us  from going further into our pursuit of knowledge. Last week we learned more about living things. We learned about the growth of a human from a baby to an elder. We also learned about forest animals and rain-forest animals by making a big mural of a forest and everything in a forest.

Unfortunately it is too hot outside so we were not able to take the students outside out of their own safety, so we spent our play time in the gym. 

A few updates:

On September 20th we have our international children's festival and our class is teaming up with the grade 3 class to decorate our classroom to represent the country of Peru.

The class is also preparing for our sports day festival on October 11th. 

That is it for this week, stay tuned for next week.

- James Barbosa

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Week 18, living things.

Last week we officially began our unit about living things. The students understood the concept pretty easily. They understood and knew what living things are, and we learned some new vocabulary to use in this context. Words like breathe, move, and grow. As we continue our unit we will learn more vocabulary that they can use when referring to living and non-living things.

The first few days of the week we learned about what is a living thing and what isn't. I would show them a living thing, or non living thing and they would say yes or no.

During our gym time we played many type of games focusing on team building exercises. In this game they had to try and put as many balls in the net as they could in 3 minutes.

Last week we did quite a few art projects. They painted their own paintings of living things, as well as sculpted living things from clay.

As you can see we got some young artists in the making!


The goal for PreK A is for them to be able to read words and sentences by term 3 and we are hard at work every morning memorizing words and trying to reach the next level. Please encourage them to work on it at home! It will help a lot!

That all the updates I have for you for now, stay tuned for more.

- James Barbosa

How we organize ourselves

How we organize ourselves During this unit we learned all about how people organize their space based on different factors. We explored all ...