Thursday 28 February 2019

Weekly Highlights - Last of February

This week was another jam packed with fun type week. That has been the case for most of the month and it looks like it will continue for another couple of weeks too. We got to rehears our YEP routine, take our last field trip, meet a potential new friend, and celebrate the last of our birthdays. Check it out...

We kept up our YEP practices this week with a big rehearsal on Monday and daily class practices. On Thursday we even did our routine for Pre-School B!

Field Trip
Tuesday was our last field trip of the year. We had to do some adapting once we arrived but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves none-the-less. I would definitely recommend checking it out Playville on a weekend or over Spring Break.

Birthday Party
We had two February birthday's we were able to celebrate and due to March being so short we added the March birthday as well. It was an exciting party for all involved.

Other Highlights

Netball game in the gym

Rob the nest

Next week we will get out to the YEP venue to hold a dress rehearsal. It will be a fun experience that will help us perfect our program. Enjoy your weekend! 
-Mr. Justin

Thursday 21 February 2019

Weekly Highlights

First off a big "thanks" to all who were able to come in for parent-teacher conferences today. I always enjoy chatting with everyone, offering feedback about students, and answering questions. This week was a fun and busy one so here are some of our highlights....

Japanese Culture Day
Yesterday the school held an awesome event that Pre-K definitely enjoyed. In the morning students were able to watch a Taiko drum performance and learn a bit about playing them as well. After lunch we headed back to the 10th floor for Japanese games with a few guests.

Unit Of Inquiry
This week's highlight activity was a team drawing exercise we did. Each student had four minutes to begin a drawing, any drawing they wanted to. After the time was up each team member had three additional minutes to add something to the drawing. The results were incredible and will be up on SeeSaw in the near future.

Additional Weekly Highlights
 Japanese with Chico Sensei

Building muscles in the gym with "Coach Justin"

"What Do You Do With A Problem" story-time

Music with Kyoko Sensei

Next week will be another jam packed few days with YEP rehearsal, a field trip, and the monthly birthday party. Enjoy your weekend and see you all Monday!
-Mr. Justin

Thursday 14 February 2019

Weekly News - February 15

Happy belated Valentine's Day everyone. Way back when I was in preschool and elementary we use to exchange themed Valentine's cards every year. This year I thought it would be fun for the student's to create and give out some cards as well. The student's had fun writing messages and exchanging cards yesterday. Here are some shots of the activity as well as some other highlights of the week!

We kept our concentration on subtraction again this week in Math. Practicing counting down and playing some team games.

We didn't keep it all academic and in the classroom during the short week. During our visit to the gym yesterday we held a tossing competition and at the park we had a giant game of Banana Tag!

Next week could possibly be the busiest week of the year with YEP rehearsal, our field trip, a trial lesson, Japanese Culture Day, and PTC! Have a relaxing weekend and I'll hopefully see all of you next week and/or on Friday!
-Mr. Justin

Thursday 7 February 2019

Weekly News

Good afternoon everyone! We had a very fun week and mixed things up a lot with many different activities. One thing I want to mention first is today was the first time in my history at Abroad that every class member has had a flawless bingo card. By that I mean that no one missed coloring a number. I was super impressed with the listening and number skills demonstrated by the class today. With that said here are some highlights of the week...

As many of you know I am a huge sports fan. So on Super Bowl Monday we used our Math time to play a fun number scavenger hunt. Unfortunately the actual football game was not near as exciting.

I don't mention it much but the Activboard's we have in class are a huge asset to us all. We put ours to work this week for two Math lesson and Japanese with Mr. Soydan.

Our weekly specialist lessons were mostly routine. Kyoko Senei practiced singing and playing pianica with us Monday (remember to bring back pianicas on Thursday the 14th.) In P.E. Coach Justin lead some stretching to warm up for the big soccer game. It was tightly contested and way more exciting than the Super Bowl. The Green Rangers beat the Red PreCure 13-12.

A new part of our routine was added this month. At the end of most days two teams of eight students help clean the classroom. One team sweeps all the dirt up and the second teams helps to clean the floors. So far we have been a productive unit.

Lastly we kept up our YEP practice. The students are learning it so fast!

Have a great weekend and see you all on Tuesday!
-Mr. Justin

How we organize ourselves

How we organize ourselves During this unit we learned all about how people organize their space based on different factors. We explored all ...