Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Week 10: Numeracy week

Hello everyone,

Last week was numeracy week. Numeracy week is an entire week where we focus on everything math related in a more fun and engaging way. Each student received school money for math related activities. For us on the 9th floor each day there were a few math problems the student had to answer. We also had a teacher swap similar to the teacher swap during literacy week. I went to Ms Rachael's class while Mr. Ben came to our class to do some math activities with our class.

During this activity, they also did some shape worksheets

And they used these block toys to create shapes that look like Tetris blocks.

On the last day of the week they used the money they saved up and went to a shop that was set up on the 10th floor gym. With the money they were able to pick and choose from many things that were being sold.

The shop was a lot of fun, but some of the prices for things were expensive! Hopefully next year they will be able to gain more money and buy more things. That is all for now. Stay tuned for next week!

- James Barbosa

Monday, 17 June 2019

Week 9

Hey there everyone

As you all know Monday of last week was parents morning. I hope everyone had a good time! Here is the group photo of it.

We also celebrated Lian`s birthday !

Happy 5th birthday, Lian!

Another highlight of last week was Ms Hisako`s Japanese lesson and craft! We made a fathers day craft that we hope you enjoyed.

Week 10 is Numeracy week, so stay tuned next week to find out how that went!

Update: Its beginning to get hotter and hotter and as a result the students will spend more time in the gym depending on the temperature outside, as well as the weather. I would also advise if you haven`t done so already, to make sure that the students have bug spray to prevent mosquito bites.

As always, stay tuned for more.

- James Barbosa

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Week 8

Last week was an adventurous week for Prek A. We went to the park with the grade 4 class and did some painting with ice paint! It was really cool. The grade 4 class made ice out of paint and then we all went to the park to paint with it. As some of you know some of the students may have gotten a bit dirtier than usual!

Here was the grade 4 class with the Prek A class going to the park.

Messy hands!

Artists hard at work making art out of paint.

Throughout the year we will do more collaborations with other grades like this. It all ties into our theme for term 1. How communication with others impact relationships around us.

We began using the clay during out center time, the students seem to really enjoy having the option to mold clay during center time.

Lastly, some of the students decided to sit me down in a make-believe restaurant and serve me food. The service was fantastic, 5 stars.

Stay tuned for more

- James Barbosa

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Week 7

Terribly sorry about the late post regarding last week.

Last week was the 7th week into the year, and our theme was about responsibilities. What are responsibilities? and what are our responsibilities at home, at school and outside? Many of the answers given were reflective of our classroom rules, but I tried to have them think beyond that and tell me what they are responsible for. Or more simply, what do they have to do in their everyday life.

A first a big word like responsibility may sound like something that is too difficult for a 4 or 5 year old to get, but I was quite surprised that as we discussed it more and more each day they were able to understand it.

We had 4 students complete their sticker charts and given an award this week as well, great job!

Last week was also the end of May, and of course, our birthday party at the end of the month was more Mao and Gen. Happy Birthday you two!

~ James Barbosa

How we organize ourselves

How we organize ourselves During this unit we learned all about how people organize their space based on different factors. We explored all ...