End of November has come and gone and November was jam-packed full of things we needed to do. As you already know the students have been studying hard on their reading in the class and out of the class. I can already see improvements in their reading so lets try to reinforce it at home whenever possible!
With that in mind I have assigned books on Raz-kids for them to read in order to reinforce their reading ability. My hope is that the students will be able to be able to read the test books by just looking at the book once instead of taking home the test book to practice.
Now what happened towards the end of November? Well it was Rizumu's birthday so we celebrated it! Happy Birthday Rizumu, you're now the big 5!
The last week of November was also Science week. Our inquiry theme is about sharing the planet, so it tied into science week nicely. We had the grade 7 and 8 class come in and show us some robots, one robot was even able to solve a Rubik's cube so quick! The other robots the students were able to control them via smartphone and try and play soccer with them.
All the students had a chance to control the robots.
In return for showing us the robots we made a big thank you card for the 7 and 8 class.

A new addition to our class is our wonder tree. What makes a god inquirer? Well asking questions, and finding the answer to that question makes a good inquirer so the students thought up many questions about the world and we put them on the wonder tree.
Towards the end of science week we met with the 7 and 8 class in the park for the last time to show the students the famous coke and mentos experiment. I asked the students 'What do you think will happen?' and Kaname said 'It will go like a volcano!' I knew some of the students saw this before, but I was happy with the explanation.
Before I end this blog post a few updates. We will be celebrating 4 birthdays in December, the class birthday party will be on December 18th, and on the 20th, which is the last day before winter holidays there will be a talent show and a big class winter party.
Until next time, hope you enjoy this post!